Региональная общественная организация участников оказания интернациональной помощи республике Ангола
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Russian Veterans of Angola: from the Past to Nowadays

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This is the photo album published by the Union of Angola "Veterans From the Past to Nowadays". It is composed of two parts: one is devoted to the history and events in Angola in 1970–90ies which our countrymen were part of, the second speaks of the present.

More than forty years have passed since many of the presented retro photographs had been first published. Those are not just images from the previous century, those are pictures of a different epoch. At that time many Soviet citizens, wherever they may be living – European part of Russia, Ukraine, Siberia or Far East – were the children of their times and country, and nearly all were internationally-minded people. That was the way we were brought up… We strongly believed in the ideals of justice, equality and fraternity, and many of us were ready, if called upon by the national leaders, to rush to the world’s end to protect or help anyone in need, to restore justice usurped by the enemy.

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E-mail:veteranangola@mail.ru (по всем вопросам)