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[28.10.2010 18:31:35] Serguei Kolomnin
Estimado companheiro “MEDALHAVAZIA”!

Obrigado pela sua mensagem. Voce e participante sobrevivido e directo da Batalha de Quifangondo, da gueraa no Norte da Angola ao lado da FNLA. Isso e muito valioso para nos, veteranos russos de Angola. Pois entre outros temas, nos temos como objectivo a reconstrucao da verdade historica, daquilo, que passara em Angola, mesmo com nossa participacao.

Batalha de Quifangondo - um pequeno combate mas de enorme resultado politico, pois a Angola de hoje surgiu do resultado deste confronto. E a opinhao do Capitao Marangoni. E isso e verdade.
Mas ainda Pedro Marangoni disse na entrevista dada a mim: «A bem da historia militar sera um mapa incomum, feito em conjunto pelos dois lados opostos envolvidos». Somos da mesma opinhao. Somente os combatentes, due se encontraram dois lados opostos sao capazes de reconstruir a historia militar verdadeira.
Claro, nos estivemos nas trincheiras opostas. E haviam vitimas de ambos os lados. Mas passaram tempos. E agora nao ha guerra. Nao nos encontramos nas trincheiras. E ainda nos somos militares, somos professionais, somos colegas. E os colegas sao capazes de chegar a compreencao mutua como ninguem dos outros.

Companheiro “MEDALHAVAZIA”!
Obrigado pela informacao dada e muitos pormenores interessantes, em particular as palavras do Holden… Talvez tenha mais recordacoes interessantes, documentos, fotos, que desejaria expor ou descutir? Nos somos abertos para intercambio de opinhoes e factos. Bemvindo!
Sempre em contacto.
Serguei Kolomnin, Secretario da imprensa da Uniao Russa dos Veteranos de Angola, Coronel da FA.
PS. Se qizer contactar me em pormenor, meu E-mail pessoal: interangola@mail.ru

[25.10.2010 15:19:44] MEDALHAVAZIA
Caros companheiros ( amigos fica dificil dizer) pois e muita a magoa e pesam logo os nomes de meus amigos tombados durante todos estes anos em que se combateu em angola.
Eu fiz formacao na tunisia e apareco nas fotos em que o Chefe Holden esta na placa do cruzamento da barra do Dande ... sou um dos gurda costas que tem uma AK 47 ... o da Direita na altuar eu era elegante .... essa foto esta na net
Estive tb em Kifangondo e tudo o que o Capitao Marangoni diz e verdade sobre os dois mercedes de zairences que foram desbaratados eu estive a analisar as pontes com a brigada de engenharia do Zaire elas sim teem la as marcas do explosivo colocado mas nao foram abaixo sobretudo a primeira a maior tem ate hoje marcas dos explosivos la.
Sobre os dois camioes mercedes brancos sim eram da companhia do zaire envaida par nos apoiar.
Sobre O Passarao Pancracio Quintino e outros tantos brancos que por nos combateram na epoca tudo e verdade nessa altura eras mobilizado ok nao havia maneira de fujir eras e avancavas. Ao Contrario de nos o MPLA consegiu mobilisar muito mais brancos e mulatos e negros que tinham sido do exercito portugues e tiveram mais sorte e mais apoio a Fnla tinah um passado que afastava os impatisantes salvo os oprimidos do mato o da UPA ... e O Mpla explorou isso a favor deles e mobilisou muito mais quadros nas cidades que nos... Por isso recorremos a esses apoios ao do santos e castro e do snr Cardoso que eu acompanhei e esta ao meu lado noutra foto na placa do caxito com uma AK chinesa que tinha duas pegas ...
O recuo do onzo tb foi verdade ... Ate e verdade que o Chefe holden triste depois do inquerito em que averiguamos que o coronel callan tinha morto os colegas dele mercenarios e estava tudo no fim disse; Callan pra mim a guerra acabou ficas tu a chefiar a FNLA e o que resta dela antes de retirarmos pro zaire no range rover dele castanho ele me disse desabafando ...
Medalha ... Barros um mestico de luanda que hoje vive em oshakati e eletricista ... !!!nao combati para agora nos andarmos a matar todos entre nos com os brancos por traz a dirigir e a apoiar e instigar e fornecer material ok foi para ver angola livre nossa! pra mim acabou se voces continuarem vao ou fiquem eu nao promovo mais nada que de em luta entre angolanos todo desanimado! Nos voltamos e fizemos o que sabiamos fazer mas ja sem apoio sem municoes etc em 1978 fui parar a mata da SENGA em bessa monteiro e ficamos por la mesmo depois daquele cerco das fapla resistimos em 1983 a unita enviou um grupo para alinharmos outra vez .... recomecamos com muito material fiz curso na Jamba em 84 e so parei quando o Chefe Antonio Dembo morreu vitima de fome e falta de medicamentos no Lucusse tinha 46 kilos .... agora sou eu que digo como o holden acabou ... terminou conbatemos pra que ? Pelo menos Angola agora e independente mas isso todos nos queriamos ok Voces podiam ter ajudado e ter feito as coisas melhores em 1975 voces os Russos e que mandavam mas nao queriam angola toda so a vinda dos BM 21 mostra que estavam muito + empenhados que nos fnla so depois da Fnla ir parar a sao pedro da barra e que comecou a opcao de ocupar toda Angola a forca ...O Mpla o Rosa coutinho ja sabiam o que iam fazer ha muito tempo estava tudo preparado ok tudo para angola ser vossa e o que fizeram dela .... Nada nao ha nenhum russo na russia que combateu em angola Rico por ter estado em Angola .... Existe algum cubano rico ou russo rico com a guerra em Angola ? pq nnao nos deixaram em paz para cumprirmos o Alvor talvez sim hoje houvesse uns 15 ricos ai na Russia com Angola.
Adeus meus respeitos aos Tombados primeiro os Angolanos e depois os russos cubanos e outros coitados de quem eu nao sei o nome mas guardo as imagens e locais ... Coragem e meu respeito sincero pelo vosso site .


[01.09.2010 19:09:41] Johan Schoeman
Ireceived the following enquiry on my www.warinangola.com Forums:
Russian sources states that small amount of BMD-1 vehicles was sent to Angola.
Is there more info on this? Like what number delivered and year. Was it used in combat, photos?
Can anyone help answer these questions?
[23.08.2010 23:41:44] Johan Schoeman
Dear Max
On the subject of Russian pilots in Angola, two things:
1. I had the honour of meeting Genl Dick Lord (who was the OC of the squadron of Mirages at Rundu), as well as Cloete Breytenbach (the brother of Col. Jan Breytenbach, founder of 32 Bn and the ParaBats), two weeks ago during a talk at the SA Military History Society. I was demonstrating the equipments of 61 Mech vs 47 Brigade (in miniature) at the talk. If there are any questions about the SAAF\'s deployment from your side, I would gladly relay them to Genl Lord via the History Society. As I have not managed to meet with Col. Jan Breytenbach himself as yet, I am still awaiting feedback on the queries you had.
2. While I was deployed as OPO for the G-5s at Cuito Cuanavale, I visited the team of Electronic Warfare Experts that was deployed quite near my OP position. Listening to their interception of messages from the Angolan and Cuban side, they told me about a female Russian pilot that they often listened to (we called her Olga!!), flying a MiG-23 over our positions, apparently with photographic missions. She kept quite high and occasionally ventured to drop a bomb or two, and sounded quite ecstatic while doing so. Are you aware of such a pilot? It was amazing to listen to these guys intercept the messages, while I was there they translated the conversation between a Cuban General and his wife in Cuba! They were also quite on top of the lingua-de-franca of the Cuban pilots, telling us what maneuvers they were about to perform...
Regards to all the veterans
Johan Schoeman
[04.08.2010 22:28:01] Matthew Kalkwarf
Dear Max,
My humble apologies, in my haste I had typed in my E-mail address incorrectly - it should be: graugrun@gmail.com (Douw contacted me).
Thank you very much for your permission to use photos from your site for my book.
I will with the greatest of pleasure acknowledge your site in my book. I would want to place your URL (web address) in my book anyway, as I think it is a very interesting site for all like me who served in the South African army at that time, as well as any reader who finds my book interesting too.
I looked through your photos with fascination the other day and I\'m very pleased that they have been posted. I must also congratulate you and your team on working so hard for the greater good and recognition of your Angolan war veterans.
One more thing that I would really like is a good scan or photo of your Angolan Veteran\'s union medal, as I would very much like to place it in our book.
Thank you in advance - and also well done on a fantastic site! Now if I could just read and understand Russian!
[29.07.2010 17:58:44] Max Gladkov

For some reason my email messages to you fail to pass through. Here is what I sent:

Hi Mathew,

Please feel free to use the photo from our site you are interested in in your book - with a proper reference to our organization, Russian Angola Veterans' Union, of course. We will also be glad to have your book, once it has been published, in our archive.

The medal depicted on our site is the official badge of our organization which is awarded to all eligible members of the Russian Angola Veterans' Union - former civilian and military specialists who worked/served in Angola during the war. The only difference is in that the civilians get it with no swords on the ribbon.

Please feel free to ask any further questions.

Kind regards,

[29.07.2010 17:48:39] Max Gladkov
Hi Mathew,

Please see your email. I have sent you the info you are interested in.


[26.07.2010 11:59:33] Matthew Kalkwarf
Dear Max,
I am busy writing a book to be published in the next month or so (October 2010). It concerns the history and badges of the South African Special Forces (Recces). I would very much like to make use of two or three photos from the gallery in this website. If I can, how do I get permmission from the owners of these photos? - I will give them full credit of course.
Also is the medal pictured at the top left hand side of your side a real one handed out for service in Angola? If so I would very much like a high resolution picture of it (with a written explanation) to also place in our book (I would also like to mention you great site in our book).
My E-amil address is: graugrun@gamil.com
Thank you in advance for your assistance and help!

[10.06.2010 02:11:13] pedro marangoni
Hi Max
I am awaiting the new ISBN to put "A opcao pela espada" for sale on Amazon and also in the coming days for download on the Kindle. By now, also in:
**Ссылка »*** opcao pela espada and my philosophy book, O infinito nao tem pressa)
best regards,
pedro marangoni
[09.06.2010 21:27:53] Johan Schoeman
If anyone has some information about and/or photos of MiG and Sukhoi aircraft used in Southern Africa and in particular Angola, please let me know. Anyone that has been involved in the use or maintenance of these aircraft...?
Johan Schoeman
[03.06.2010 22:23:02] Max Gladkov
Hi Johan-

This is an adjective meaning "belonging to SAR" or "South African". In Russian the abbreviated name of the South African Republic is "ЮАР" (YuAR).

As to your proposal, it is extremely interesting. I will write a detailed email to you shortly.


[02.06.2010 15:30:24] Johan Schoeman
Max, the term "YuARovskih" is found a lot in the translations from Russian to English. Obviously it refers to the South Africans every time, but what does it mean?
We have some interesting posts on the General Equipment Forum of www.warinangola.com...
[01.06.2010 15:04:44] Max Gladkov
Hi Pedro,

Thank you very much for this info? By the way, is the book also available at amazon.com?


[26.05.2010 19:39:28] pedro marangoni
Dear friends:
the third edition of A Opção pela Espada(in portuguese) is currently on sale at:
**Ссылка »***

Bests regards,
pedro marangoni
[25.05.2010 00:13:14] Johan Schoeman
No problem Mzx... there is no rush!
[24.05.2010 21:27:49] Max Gladkov

I still have another document for you - the one from Vadim Sagachko, containing all the abbreviations and nomenclature data that you asked about. But I will need some time to have it translated. Too much work to finish before the summer vacation... LOL
[24.05.2010 18:58:11] Johan Schoeman
Max, thanks very much...
I put all the information I could find on the M-55 20mm at **Ссылка »***
and information on the M1939 37mm AA (and 57mm) at **Ссылка »***
Your input was much appreciated!
[25.04.2010 19:42:00] Max Gladkov

Maybe, AZP-37-1? Look at this: **Ссылка »***

It was designed in 1939, and then heavily used as a naval AA gun on battle ships. During WW2 it was also often mounted on trucks. Originally it was designed as an AA gun, but in Angola it was used against ground targets as well. I worked on it for some time.


[25.04.2010 18:56:56] Johan Schoeman
Thanks, Max!

Here is another funny one....
This Soviet 37 mm AA was captured in Angola. What's the name? Any more info on this?
**Ссылка »***


[23.04.2010 14:30:12] Max Gladkov

For M55, try this link: **Ссылка »***

Feel free to ask questions, if Babel Fish fails to translate properly.


[22.04.2010 11:27:57] Max Gladkov
Hi Johan,

To the best of my knowledge, the Yugoslav M55 is a tripled version of the Swiss 20-mm Hispano-Suiza aircraft gun. I will relay your question to the Russian page to get more info for you.


[21.04.2010 22:44:08] Johan Schoeman
Max, we are looking for more technical information on the Yugoslav M55 A2 triple 20mm AA, even if it is from an eastern source and not in English. A number of them were captured by the SADF during attacks on Swapo bases in Angola, and taken into service by the South Africans.
If any of your members can help us with more details or point us to a site, it will be most appreciated.
What was this equipment called in Soviet nomenclature, anyway?
[13.04.2010 00:27:35] Randy


I have a 3 hour DVD about Mozambique during the 60\'s and 70\'s.
It shows Mozambique from South to North (from Ponta do Ouro to Rio Rovuma, border with Tanzania).
It shows a real lot of stuff...culture, clubs, carnival, industry, Beira, Gorongosa, Cabora Bassa and the Prawns.

I am selling copies for US$25 plus post. Post is not included, because I still have to work it out.

If you are interested please e-mail me: randyenergy@gmail.com


Eu tenho um DVD de 3 horas sobre Mocambique durante os anos 60\'s e 70\'s.
O video mostra Mocambique do Sul ao Norte (desde a Ponta do ouro ate ao Rio Rovuma, fronteira com a Tanzania).
O DVD tem muita coisa...cultura, clubes, carnival, industria, cidade da Beira, Gorongosa, Cabora Bassa e os Camaroes.

Estou a vender copias por US$25 mais o correio postal. O correio nao esta incluido, porque ainda tenho que verificar os custos para as diversas partes do mundo.

Se estiver interessado, envie-me um e-mail: randyenergy@gmail.com
[05.04.2010 15:10:50] Shkarinenko S.V
**Ссылка »***
[02.04.2010 11:15:44] Max Gladkov

Thank you very much for your kind words of condolences. And please say thank you to all your members. It is still a shock for all of us. We wish we could say "Hopefully, it will never happen again!"

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